The old-school way of making copies
Last time I said that because of Creative Commons, creators are able to retain their copyright while sharing their work and letting other people know how it can be used.
But what is copyright? What is it for? What does it encompass, and what are its limitations?
Listen, and then check out the links below for more information.
This podcast is licensed CC BY-NC 4.0. A transcript is also available.
Learn More
Columbia University Libraries provide a fair use checklist with guidelines for its use.
The Cornell University Library provides a detailed chart outlining when different types of works enter the public domain in the United States.
Attributions and References
The information in this podcast is based on Unit 2: Copyright Law by Creative Commons, licensed CC BY 4.0.
The music is “Molly Molly” by Blue Dot Sessions, licensed CC BY-NC 4.0.
The image is from a manuscript of Liber Floridus, a medieval encyclopedia, via Wikimedia Commons and in the public domain.